Monday, January 23, 2012

Slang: Snow, coke, candy, blow, bump, C
Signs/symptoms: Increased heart rate, high blood pressure, increased temperature, sweaty, shaky, seizures, aggression, paranoia, anxiety, mania
Possible affects on body: Constricted blood vessels, increased risk of depression, damaged nasal septum, cardiac arrest, death

~Powder form is hydrochloride salt derive from the processed leaves of coca plant.
~Crack is a type of processed cocaine formed into a rock-like crystal.

Bath Salts
Slang: Bliss, Snow Blow, Cloud 9, Ivory Wave, Ocean burst, blizzard, blue silk, charge +, ivory snow, vanilla sky
Signs/symptoms: panic, anxiety, extreme paranoia, agitation, seizures, intense cravings for more, rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, chest pains, delusions, hallucinations
Possible affects on body: Risk of stroke, risk of heart attack, sudden death, emotional & physical "crash like" feelings of depression, high risk of overdose

~Synthetic, stimulant powder substance that contains amphetamine-like chemicals, including mephedrone.
~Affects of bath salts have been compared to that of meth.

Slang: Mary Jane, bud, mj, blunt, reefer, weed, 420, pot, ganja, dope, herb, joint, green
Signs/symptoms: Shortened attention span and distractibility, anxiety and panic attacks, increased heart rate, dilated pupils, impaired coordination, chronic cough, weakened immune system, shortness of breath
Possible affects on body: Cancer, structural and functional brain deficits, weakened communication and verbal skills, lower learning capabilities, increased risk of depression and schizophrenia

~Nationally: Higher rate of illegal marijuana use among youth in medical marijuana states.
~Now known as a gateway drug.
~There are more teenagers in treatment for marijuana addiction than all other drugs combined.

Slang: Booze, hooch, drink, moonshine
Signs/symptoms: Slurred speech, impaired judgement, impaired decision making, loss of coordination, memory loss, vomiting, black outs
Possible affects on body: Depressant that affects every part of your body.  Alcohol travels through the bloodstream and affects your brain, liver function, stomach, kidney function and muscles.

~4X more likely to be alcohol dependent if start drinking before age 21 (fact is based on research showing how alcohol affects the brain-specifically the frontal lobe)
~Underage drinkers are 20% of the market
~Popular drinking games include Beer Pong & Flip Cup

Tobacco & Nicotine
Slang: Smokes, cigs, butts, chew, dip spit tobacco, snus, snuff
Signs/symptoms: Chronic cough, dry skin, yellow teeth & fingers, dry hair, difficutly catching breath
Possible affects on body: Harms immune system, various cancers, heart disease
New products on the market

Helpful Websites

Basic Drug Information

Most students experiment and/or begin to use drugs in the 7th grade.
--Average student was 13 years or older when they first tried smoking
--Average student was 13 years or older when they had their first drink
--Average student was 13 years or older when they tried marijuana for the first time.
90% of addiction starts in teenage years.
A can of beer contains as much alcohol as a shot of liquor.
1 marijuana joint = 5 cigarettes
60-70% more likely to get cancer from marijuana
Cigarettes have over 40 harmful chemicals
Marijuana has over 400 harmful chemicals

Top Reasons for pre-teen use:
  • Learned behavior from family
  • Peer pressure
  • Available
  • Escape
  • Boredom
  • Curiosity
(List is not all inclusive)

Common signs for use:
  • Appearance
  • Declining grades
  • Change in friends
  • Change in behavior
  • Loss of interest in activities
(List is not all inclusive)